************************************************************** THERE ARE TWO MORE DISKS IN THIS SERIES TO COMPLETE THIS BOOK. These two additional disks are only available directly from the author. To receive these two disks please send a check or money order for $5.95 to: Edward D. Wernecke, P. O. Box 1009, Kingsville, Texas 78364 These two disks contain chapters on The Bible, The Secret Rapture, Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death, The Resurrections, Christmas, Easter, The Gospel, Salvation, Sabbath, The Kingdom, Who Was Jesus, The Story Flow of the Old Testament, and a Book Outline of the New Testament, and Bible Helps containing Key Bible Passages, the Miracles of Christ, the Parables of the Bible, Messianic Prophecies, and much more. The total 3 disk collection contains over a megabyte of information on key Bible topics and prophecies. ************************************************************** I wish to have this entire book published in a hard cover paper book complete with full illustrations and pictures. If you enjoyed this book and would like to help publish this book please send a donation. If you send $10.00 or more you will receive one of the first numbered copies of this book as soon as it is published. I will autograph your copy upon request. YOUR DONATIONS WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED. ***************************************************************** * ADDITIONAL CHRISTIAN SHAREWARE SOFTWARE The following shareware software is available on 360K 5 1/4" disks for $1.00 a disk: ____ BIBLE VERSES - Pops up a Bible verse each time you boot up. ____ BIBLE-Q Bible trivia game has 1000 multiple choice Bible questions. ____ MEN OF THE BIBLE - A nice educational quiz on the men of the Bible. ____ THE GRAPE VINE - Reveal the hidden Bible phrase by guessing the letters to each word. ____ JOURNEY - A fun game that teaches the Ten Commandments. ____ CHRISTIAN JUKEBOX - Plays 14 hymns with lyrics so you can sing along. ____ THE BIBLE WORKS - Bible word searches and a topical concordance. ____ JESUS SAYS - Interactive program of Jesus says. ____ JERUSALEM ADVENTURE - Game to find the lost copy of the NIV Bible. _(2)_HELP FROM THE BIBLE - Help on almost any subject from the Bible. Shows appropiate quotes from the Bible and references. 2 DISKS. _(2)_WORD WORKER - King James New Testament Bible search program. This is a 2 DISK SET. ____ CHRISTMAS CAROLS - 36 sing along songs and 22 more music only. _(5)_SCRIPTURE BIBLE - Excellent King James Version Bible search program with both the entire Old and New Testaments. Does fast searches, has 3 windows for verses, and a notepad. Requires a hard drive. This is a FIVE DISK SET. ____ SCRIPTURE MEMORY - A fun way to memorize scripture, tracks your progress, and has a topical search program. ____ SCRIPTURE QUEST - Over 1600 questions to test your knowledge of the Scriptures. ____ A BIBLE COMPANION - Offers 1) Bible chronologies, 2) a dictionary of archaic Bible words, 3) tables for the systematic reading of the Bible, 4) charts of O.T. weights and measures, and N.T. time, 5) Bible maps with a topographic search and find function, 6) and more. ____ HEBREW FLASHCARDS - Learn the Hebrew alphabet, vowel pointing, words and pronunciation. Coded to Strongs' Concordance. ____ PROVERBS - This program tests one's knowledge of the Old Testament book of Proverbs. Pair the first half of a proberbial couplet with its matching second half. Hundreds of proberbs matches available. ____ COMMENTEXT COMMENTARIES - Commentaries on various books of the Bible presented in hypertext format. ____ THE LAND OF PROMISE - A graphic tour from Genesis to Acts of the gospel message. ____ ACTS OF THE APOSTLES - A combination of graphics and Bible text that automatically displays the location of 99% of all the geographical features mentioned in the N.T. book of Acts as the user reads the text. Inquiries can made by contacting the author below. When writing, please mention where you obtained this copy of this disk. Also, include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you desire a reply. Edward D. Wernecke, P.O. Box 1009, Kingsville, Texas 78364 * Please include $2.00 shipping and handling with an order for these disks. Total Number of Disks Ordered ________ X $1.00 a Disk Total Amount of Disks _________ Shipping and Handling $2.00 Total _________ You may print this form out by typing: COPY README.TXT PRN or use the print function key (P) found on the help menu of the program.